Welcome to 2020! We made it folks, even though San Antonio might have made the news for not exactly following the city’s “no fireworks in city limits” code.


With a new year comes resolutions, goals, promises, and hopes. Despite all the optimism, many of those resolutions and grand plans are quickly forgotten and cast aside. Studies show that most Americans quit their new year’s plans within the first three weeks of the year. However, a solution for lasting change that you can enjoy long after your gym membership card starts collecting dust and the desert menu finds its way back into your hands is freshening up the interior of your San Antonio area home. If you’ve been putting off an interior painting project, let the New Year be your inspiration. A coat of paint will ring in the New Year with a fresh new look. Whether it’s coating your walls with paint, adding color to your rooms, or decorating with crown molding, now is the time to get it done!

Repainting your home’s interior for the new year is a great way to showcase your home’s elegance, give your home a fresh new feel, and make a New Year’s improvement that will actually last for the whole year! Plus, painting during the cooler months is actually more efficient and can lead to big savings on your bids since it’s not during the “busy” season of summer.


San Antonio interior painting contractorsProfessional Interior Painting

If you want professional quality in the end result of your new interior painting project, you will need to hire a professional San Antonio painting contractor. An ugly, poorly done paint job will not enhance the look of your house. It will only deteriorate the look of your home for the upcoming year. Lucky for you, Superior Painting and Remodeling has been known as one of the premier residential painters in the San Antonio area for over 30 years!  Our professional team will complete your Interior Painting projects in the best possible way, in the shortest amount of time, and for the best value. We always arrive at your San Antonio home loaded with paint sprayers, rollers of various sizes and paint brushes that help us perform our task efficiently and professionally. Having your interior painting project completed with skill and efficiency will work to your advantage in the upcoming year. Our professionals have been doing interior painting projects every day for years. We know the tips and tricks to doing it quickly, carefully and effectively. The faster we perform your interior painting job, the sooner you can begin to adore your exquisitely painted home.

Your home is your sanctuary, your safe haven from all life throws at you. The last thing you need is a messy paint job to start off the new year. Whether you want to paint your family room a warmer, more relaxing color, or your kitchen a brighter, more inviting color, we’re available year-round to help bring your vision to life. Call, email, or contact us now for a consultation and estimate. We’re happy to discuss your project and offer ideas.